
Kevin will move your audience

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Kevin will move your audience

Book Kevin to Speak

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Kevin has written international bestsellers Audacious Generosity and Get to the Point. He is also the CEO of Spirit Media, a publishing and marketing company committed to disrupting the traditional publishing industry.

He passionately serves as the messenger, helping people connect their ideas to the world. He loves helping people feel liberated to create without worrying about the daunting “how.”

Whether in-person or virtually, Kevin is here to engage, empower, and excite audiences, delivering tried-and-true solutions that apply to you, your community, and the world. He also provides one-on-one consulting for those who desire more coaching.

As heard on


Living Generous Lives


Living Generous Lives

We all want to be more generous, but many fear doing it. It could be a fear of scarcity, exploitation, rejection, stigma, or many other reasons.

The beginning of the realization that God gives through you is the start of a life of limitless giving.

Seeking the Kingdom


Seeking the Kingdom

We could study the Bible, go to church, and pray regularly, but if the stress is on finding faith instead of God, we’re losing. 

Here, Kevin provides a practical guide on pursuing the presence of God in everyday life, hearing his voice, and receiving his presence.

A Christian in Entrepreneurship


A Christian in Entrepreneurship

Have you ever wondered how ethical business practices lead to profitability? With a wealth of entrepreneurial experience, Kevin explains the science (or faith) behind why this is so.

God Works, You Don’t


God Works, You Don’t

Often, we are in a tug-of-war between our needs and wants. Especially in a business, this issue magnifies if many employees feel this way.

As a leader, it’s important to remember your part in the Great Commission and how this plays into your commitment to work.

Harness Your Vision


Harness Your Vision

Being a business leader can entail thinking outside the box. Or, going one further, rejecting the premise of the box to begin with. This mindset of churning innovation is something leaders can develop.

The Startup Revolution


Transformational Leadership

How do I start my business? From fundraising to creating a trustworthy, hardworking team, starting from scratch can look like a mountain too tall to climb. Kevin will show you the ski lift.


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